

First Year:
Theory Examination: Each Subject carries 80% marks with examination of 3hours duration, along with 20% marks for internal evaluation. (Sessional marks). However, there are no minimum marks prescribed for sessionals.
Practical Examination: There shall be 40% Marks for regular practical work done, i.e. sessional marks for each practical subject with an end examination of 3hours duration carrying 60% marks. However, there are no minimum marks prescribed for sessionals.
III, IV, V, VI Semesters:
Theory Examination: Each subject carries usually 80 marks with examination of 3hours duration, along with 20 marks for internal evaluation (sessional marks) respectively.
Practical Examination: Each subject carry 60/30 marks of 3hours duration40/20 sessional marks.
  1. a) Theory Courses: Internal assessment shall be conducted for awarding Sessional marks on the dates specified. Three unit tests shall be conducted for I year students and two Unit Tests for semesters.
Internal Assessment shall be of 90 minutes duration and for a maximum of 40 marks for each test. The average of marks of all the test, reduced to 20 shall be taken as final Sessional in
any case.
  1. b) Practical Courses:
Drawing Courses: The award of Sessional marks for internal Assessment shall be as given in the following table:
Distribution of Marks for the Internal Assessment Marks
First Year (Total:40 Marks)
Max:20 Marks From the Average of THREE Unit Tests.
Max:20 Marks From the Average of Assessment of Regular Class work Exercises.
Semesters (Total:40 Marks)
Max:20 Marks From the Average of TWO Unit Tests.
Max:20 Marks From the Average of Assessment of Regular Class work Exercises.
  • For first year engineering drawing each unit test will be conducted for a duration of 2 hours with maximum marks of 40.
  • (Part – A: 4 questions x 5 marks = 20 Marks; Part –B: 2 questions x 10 marks = 20 marks ).
  • For the semester drawing examinations, Two Unit tests shall be conducted as per the Board End Examination Question Paper Pattern.
  • All Drawing exercises are to be filed in serial order and secured for further scrutiny by a competent authority
  • Laboratory Courses:
    Student’s performance in Laboratories / Workshop shall be assessed during the year/ semester of study for 40 marks in each practical Course.
    Evaluation for Laboratory Courses, other than Drawing courses:
    1. Instruction (teaching) in laboratory courses (except for the course on Drawing) here after shall be task/competency based as delineated in the Laboratory sheets, prepared by SBTET, AP & NITTTR- ECV and posted in SBTET website.
    2. Internal assessment for Laboratory shall be done on the basis of task/s performed by the student as delineated in the laboratory sheets, prepared by SBTET, AP & NITTTRECV and posted in AP, SBTET website.
    iii. Question paper for End semester Evaluation shall also be task/s based and shall be prepared and distributed by SBTET as done in case of theory courses be prepared as per SBTET rules in vogue.
    1. c) Internal assessment in Labs / workshops / Survey field work etc., during the course of study shall be done and sessional marks shall be awarded by the concerned Teacher.
    2. d) For practical examinations, except in drawing, there shall be two examiners.
    External examiner shall be appointed by the Principal in consultation with respective Head of Section preferably choosing a qualified person from in the order of preference.
    1. i) Nearby Industry
    2. ii) Govt / Semi Govt organization like R & B, PWD, PR, Railways, BSNL, APSRTC, APSEB
    iii) Govt / University Engg College.
    1. iv) HODs from Govt. Polytechnic
    Internal examiner shall be the person concerned with internal assessment as in (c) above. The end examination shall be held along with all theory papers in respect of drawing.
    1. e) Question Paper for Practicals: Question paper should cover ( the experiments / exercise prescribed to test various) skills like handling, manipulating, testing, trouble shooting, repair, assembling and dismantling etc., from more than one experiment / exercise
    2. f) Records pertaining to internal assessment marks of both theory and practical Courses are to be maintained for official inspection.
    In case of Diploma courses having Industrial Training, the training assessment shall be done and the marks are to be awarded in the following manner.
    Industrial assessment: 240 marks (in two spells of 120 marks each)
    Demonstration of any one of the skills listed in learning outcomes: 30 marks
    Training Report: 20 marks
    Seminar / viva-voce: 10 marks
    TOTAL: 300 marks
    The assessment at the institution level (Seminar/Viva-voce) shall be done by three members, viz., Internal Faculty member, External Examiner and Head of Section and be averaged.
    Theory Examination: For passing a theory subject, a candidate has to secure a minimum of 35% in end examination and a combined minimum of 35% of both Sessional and end examination marks put together.
    Practical Examination: For passing a practical subject, a candidate has to secure a minimum of 50% in end examination and a combined minimum of 50% of both sessional and practical end examination marks put together. In case of D.C.C.P., the pass mark for typewriting and short hand is 45% in the end examination. There are no sessional marks for typewriting and Shorthand subjects of D.C.C.P course.
    Monitoring: Similar to project work each teacher may be assigned a batch of 10-15 students irrespective of the placement of the students to facilitate effective monitoring of students learning during industrial training.
    Assessment: The Industrial training shall carry 300 marks and pass marks is 50% in assessments at industry (first and second assessment) and final summative assessment at institution level put together i.e. 150 marks out of 300 marks. And also student has to secure 50% marks in final summative assessment at institution level.
    1. Improvement is allowed only after he / she has completed all the subjects from First Year to Final semester of the Diploma.
    2. Improvement is allowed in any 4 (Four) subjects of the Diploma.
    3. The student can avail of this improvement chance ONLY ONCE, that too within the succeeding two examinations after the completion of Diploma. However, the duration including Improvement examination shall not exceed FIVE years from the year of first admission.
    1. No improvement is allowed in Practical / Lab subjects or Project work or Industrial Training assessment. However, improvement in drawing subject(s) is allowed.
    2. If improvement is not achieved, the marks obtained in previous Examinations hold good.
    3. Improvement is not allowed in respect of the candidates who are punished under Malpractice
    in any Examination.
    1. Examination fee for improvement shall be paid as per the notification issued by State Board of Technical Education and Training from time to time.
    2. All the candidates who wish to appear for improvement of performance shall deposit the original Marks Memos of all the years / Semesters and also original Diploma Certificate to the Board. If there is improvement in performance of the current examination, the revised Memorandum of marks and Original Diploma Certificate will be issued, else the submitted originals will be returned.
    Our examination system is based on the curriculum prepared by the SBTET. The curriculum will be updated for every four years. The present syllabus is according to the new curriculum (C-16). Scheme of Examinations: Syllabus: The first year students will go through the year wise scheme according to the syllabus framed by State Board of Technical Education and Training and will appear for examination as per the academic schedule. The second year students have to undergo semester system as per the new curriculum (C-16). The students for odd semester will appear for examinations in October/November whereas the for even semester in MARCH/APRIL. In third year the students will be sent to industrial training for one semester and the other semester they will go through the subjects as per the curriculum. INTERNAL ASSESSMENT: UNIT TESTS will be conducted for the students as per the curriculum and academic calendar issued by SBTET, VIJAYAWADA, AP. The sessional marks will be allotted for the students based on their performance in the laboratories

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