About Us

About Our College

The brain child of Mrs. AVN College educational trust was made into reality by initiating a technical branch Mrs. AVN college polytechnic in year 2012 starting as  juvenile part it has flourished into a fully pledged institution. In the second year itself, its staff and students celebrated VISHWAKARMA  –  a technical expo by  bringing luminaries and visionaries to grace the occasion under the able guidance of Sri R.V.Ramana Rao garu; the institute shall prosper to the benefit of the students. The aim of starting a technical institute is to generate employability skills for aspiring students. Mrs.AVN college polytechnic has its own campus within the college premises, a library and respective requirements at the students advantage. taking the environmental concerns into notice, the staff have emerged to stop the  pollution and wastage of plastic by introducing collection bins, which are later sent for recycling . The polytechnic institute shall remain as a gem in many courses of the parent institute, Mrs.AVN college, Visakhapatnam