
Admissions into Polytechnics

The Department of Technical Education is conducting admissions into various diploma level Engineering and Non-Engineering Courses who passed SSC or its Equivalent and qualified in APPOLYCET. Since there is a great demand for skilled supervisors in various industries, Government has decided to increase the seats by establishing new polytechnics and conducting admissions in second shift diploma courses in polytechnics and private engineering colleges.
The process of inviting the qualified candidates of POLYCET and allotting seats as per their option is known as Counselling. In the past, candidate used to attend in any one of the 8 Counselling Centres for securing a seat in a polytechnic. In this process candidates have to travel all the way to report at any one of the counselling centres more than once and it is also a time-consuming process and expensive.
For the Convenience of the Candidates from the academic year 2009-2010, Government has decided to adopt a total web-based counselling procedure where a candidate can exercise options i.e. candidate can select a polytechnic and course which he/she intends to study, through internet centre or internet facility available at his/her residence and where access to such facility is not available, from any one of the help line centres established by Govt in the districts. Such help line canters are available at least one in each district.

Stages of Web Counselling

  •  Issue of Notification: The Director of Technical Education (DTE) issues a notification every year, during first week of May/June, in all prominent news papers indicating the date wise ranks of the candidates who have to attend for Registration, Verification of Certificates and Schedule for Exercising options and DTE will also notify the list of Help-line Centres. Candidates who fail to report for registration and Certificate verification will not be considered for allotment of seats in any of the polytechnics.
  • Certificate Verification: Candidates should produce the following certificates

a) POLYCET Hall ticket
b) POLYCET Rank Card
c) SSC or Equivalent marks memo
d) Study/Bonafide Certificate from IV to X Class
e) Aadhaar Card
f) Caste Certificate of SC/ST/BC/Minorities (if applicable)
g) Income certificate Issue on or after 01.01.2020 for claiming tuition fee reimbursement
h) PH/NCC/CAP/Sports and Games Certificates (if applicable)
i) Economically Weaker Section(EWS) Certificate (if applicable)
j) Local status certificate (If Applicable, i.e., a candidate who migrates to any part of the state of Andhra Pradesh from the State of Telangana)
k) Transfer Certificate.
Candidates will be issued a receipt of Certificates at Help-line Centres after Verification.

  • Exercising Options: After Certificate Verification in Help-line Centres, a Blank Option Form (specimen), List of Polytechnics with the courses offered by them and course codes will be placed in Based on the Course Codes and polytechnic Codes, Candidates may list out polytechnic in order of preference, the courses which they intend to give options for. For the reference of the candidates, the last rank up to which candidates were admitted in different polytechnics/courses in the previous academic year would be made availble to candidates on the web site. The candidate should first prepare a priority number with a list of courses in the blank option form before he/she attempts to enter the options on the web. Candidates can exercise any number of options. After the finalising the options, he is advised to take print out of the final option form for his/her record. Help-Line Centres shall demonstrate the detailed procedure of Exercising Options immediately after the certificate verification.
  • Final Allotments of Seats: Based on the options exercised, seat allotment will be made as per merit rank and category (SC/ST/BC/PH/NCC/CAP/Sports and games quota etc) of the candidate. The final Allotments will be placed on the Web on the scheduled date announced, the Candidates will have to down load the allotment order from the web site. The details of allotments will be also be sent to the registered mobile number of the candidate.
  • Reporting & Payment of Fees at Polytechnic: Candidates, with downloaded allotment order, have to report through Self-reporting system and report at the allotted college also. These two stages are mandatory and mere reporting through self-reporting or reporting at the polytechnic is alone not sufficient to retain a seat.

If Candidate fails to report through self-reporting and reporting at the allotted polytechnic by the dates stipulated, the allotment stands cancelled and candidate will have no claim for further allotment of seats.

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