The Revised New Curriculum i.e., Curriculum-2020 (C-20) is approved by BoG of the State Board of Technical Education and Training (SBTET), Andhra Pradesh for its implementation with effect from 2020-2021.
Salient Features:
Duration of Course or Programme is 3 Years duration of Regular Academic Instruction.
The Curriculum is prepared in Semester Pattern. However, First Year is conducted as year-wise Pattern
6 Months of Industrial Training is introduced for all the diploma-level programmes except Chemical and Metallurgy Programmes.
Candidates who wish to seek admission in any of the diploma courses will have to appear for the Common Entrance Test for admission into Polytechnics (POLYCET) Conducted by SBTET, AP, Vijayawada.
A minimum of 75% attendance is required to appear for the end examination in all subjects.
Condonation of shortage of attendance up to 10% may be granted by the principal on Medical Grounds.
Candidates having less than 65% attendance shall be detained.
Each Theory Subject Carries 80 marks with an Examination of 3 hours duration along with 20 marks for internal evaluation. In the case of I year students three unit tests will be conducted out of which, the average marks are considered for internal evaluation. For III, IV, and V semesters two unit tests will be conducted and unit tests average marks are considered for internal evaluation
Each Practical Subject Carries 60 marks with an Examination of 3 hours duration along with 40 marks for regular practical work done.
In case of Industrial training, 200 marks for two spells of assessment, 30 marks for Maintenance of Log Book, 30 marks for training Record and 40 marks for Seminar/Viva-Voce